The Honan Collegiate Chapel was built in 1916, from the estate of the Honan Family, for the scholars and students of Munster.
The Chapel may be booked for weddings through the Honan Chapel Office, UCC, between 9.00am and 1pm Mondays or Tuesdays – (021) 4903088
The Chapel does not have any independent source of income and is totally dependent on the generosity of others for its funding. Therefore it is dependent for its upkeep on the fee from marriages set by the Governors of the Honan. The current fee (October 2013) is €500. A non-refundable deposit of € 100 is required to secure the booking. Cheques should be made payable to: The Governors of the Honan Hostel.
To be eligible to marry in the Honan Chapel one of you must be a Student, Graduate or member of Staff of U.C.C. or
A Student or Graduate of any University in Ireland including Teacher Training Colleges (Mary Immaculate Limerick, St. Patrick’s Maynooth and St. Patrick’s Drumcondra).
As the Honan Chapel is a Catholic Church, either the bride or groom must be baptised a Catholic.
The Honan is a very popular chapel for weddings.
For all wedding enquiries please telephone Yvonne at +353 (0)21 490 30 88 on Mondays or Tuesdays from 9.00am-1.00pm.
Weddings are celebrated on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
There is still some availability for 2016 and 2017.