Approach the priest of your home parish at least six months in advance, to make arrangements regarding documentation and pre-marriage course.
The following documents are required:
Baptismal (must be issued within six months of the date of marriage) and Confirmation certificates for both parties.
Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms for both parties.
Pre-Marriage Course Certificate.
Each person marrying in the State must attend in person (by appointment only) at the office of any Registrar in the State to give at least three months notification of intention to marry. Assuming all legal requirements are met, the couple are then issued a Marriage Registration Form (MRF).
Marriage Papers from abroad should be forwarded through the local Bishop to: The Reverend Secretary, Diocesan Offices, Redemption Road, Cork, for clearance.
As a Catholic chapel all marriage services must be according to the rules and regulations of the Catholic Church.
For all wedding enquiries please telephone Yvonne at +353 (0)21 490 30 88 Email:
All documents should be sent by the bride’s Parish Priest to:
Fr. David Barrins, O.P.,
Dean of the Honan Chapel,
University College, Cork.
These must arrive three months in advance of the wedding date.
A booking cannot be taken as confirmed until all the documents are complete and in order.